What are the consequences for people who like to rejoice in merits and people who like to rejoice in sins?
Don’t Let the Liver Ache And Don’t Die
The story of a woman who did not have in financial difficulties but she had to work hard until she had bone membrane torn in her leg. She had an operation but it was still not as good as before and might need to change her knee. However, she still had to work as hard as before. Why her life happened like this? Is there any Kamar if she does an animal business for slaughtering purpose but she has never does slaughtering herself? Why someone never success in doing any business? What are the differences of Kamar from a son kills the parents and the parents kill the son? DMC has the answers.
DOU จัดการศึกษาทางไกลเชิงพุทธ ผ่านดาวเทียม
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมกายแคลิฟอร์เนีย หรือ DOU ได้จัดให้มีการเรียนการสอนรูปแบบการศึกษาเชิงพุทธ ผ่านสถานีโทรทัศน์ผ่านดาวเทียมช่อง DMC
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Having done good deeds in one's past (4)
The 38 Ways to Happiness The Second Group of Blessings Blessing Five - Having done good deeds in one's past
รับสมัครนักศึกษา DOU ระดับปริญญาตรีและขยายเวลารับสมัครระดับปริญญาโท
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมกาย แคลิฟอร์เนีย ได้เปิดรับสมัครนักศึกษาใหม่และขยายเวลารับสมัครนักศึกษาในระดับปริญญาโท
Why do we need to identify our false friends?
Naturally we need to carefully observe the behaviors of those with whom we associate. It may to be easy to be able to tell what kind of a person they are because the persons may appear as our friends when is fact they could be false friends or even enemies
Resurrection to Quit
When my husband was young, he drank and smoked a lot. One day, he coughed and was unconscious. His body was cold and I was frightened. After he regained consciousness, he said to me “Please go to pay respects to Luang Pu and King Rama V.” Later, he was able to quit smoking and drinking. Why did my husband do so after he regained consciousness? What did he see?
Aren’t Buddhists Taught To Go To Temples?
“You are Buddhist, but why don’t you know the principle and the conducts of Buddhism? You were born a Buddhist but you still don’t know it. Whom can I ask about it then? If you ask me about Islam, I can answer all of your questions. Let me ask something. Aren’t Buddhist taught to go to temples?”
Godfather’s Son
A man decided to stop to go a school to go married instead when he was 18 but later on he had an affair with another woman who had already married. Later on, his business was bankrupt and had to flee away from debtors for a while. His first wife remarried with a new husband. After he started a new business, his second wife had an affair with his own employee. He married with the third wife but he kept drinking alcohol and became drug addicted. Finally, he has lost his third wife. Let ‘s study his life in style of Dream in Dream school.
The Middle Way Once More
สกู๊ปพิเศษ โครงการ The Middle Way ที่แอฟริกาใต้